, pub-1801200355145323, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Multifunction Can Opener Cabinet Under Jar Opening Tool Professional Bottle Qui |
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Feature : Eco-Friendly,Stocked
Openers Type : Multifunction
Metal Type : Carbon Steel
Origin : Mainland China
Type : Openers
Feature : Eco-Friendly,Stocked,Openers
Openers Type : Multifunction
Metal Type : Carbon Steel
Origin : Mainland China
Type : Openers
Name : Jar Opener
Size : 18x1.9x18cm
Color : White
Feature1 : Kitchen Tools & Gadgets

Multifunction Can Opener Cabinet Under Jar Opening Tool Professional Bottle Qui

SKU: 3256805437530715
$60,60 Regular Price
$21,21Sale Price
Excluding Tax |
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